Hi, I’m Jennifer!!

An online yoga teacher, personal trainer, nutrition coach, & gut health expert for women over 30.


I See You….

If you’re here, it’s because you’re no stranger to the challenges of digestive issues. I understand the frustrations. discomfort, and the impact these challenges can have on your life. You’re not alone, and I’m here to help.

I work with individuals who are on a journey of transformation, women who are navigating the complex world of digestion problems. If any of these sound familiar to you, you’re in the right place:

  • You’re tired of unpredictable digestive symptoms holding you back

  • You’ve tried countless diets and quick fixes, yet nothing seems to work

  • The fatigue, bloating, and discomfort have become constant companions

  • You’re ready to break free from the cycle of restrictive eating and endless food stress

  • You seek a holistic approach, one that understands that your mind, body, and spirit are all interconnected

I’m here to tell you that healing is possible!

With the right guidance and a holistic approach to wellness, you can experience the following:

  • Digestive Freedom: Say goodbye to the daily discomfort, bloating, and unpredictable symptoms.

  • Vitality & Energy: Wake up each day with a renewed sense of energy and enthusiasm, ready to take on whatever life brings your way.

  • Balanced Nutrition: Discover how to nourish your body with foods that promote healing and support your unique constitution.

  • Radiant Well-Being: Achieve a state of overall well-being by enhancing your physical, emotional, and mental health.

  • Long-Term Resilience: Develop the tools and knowledge needed to maintain lasting health and thrive for years to come.

I know it can feel as if you will never live a normal life again. I felt this way years ago when I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

Now that I’ve made it to the other side,  I’m here to tell you that that’s NOT true.

You CAN take your life and power back from digestive issues, you just need the right action steps to get there!

Hey there, I’m Jennifer

I teach women how to reduce their digestion problems holistically through nutrition, strength training, yoga, and Ayurveda!

What brought me here to this path of guiding others towards better health, was my own healing journey. I was faced with serious health challenges that led me to resilience and the transformative power of holistic well-being.

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. It completely knocked me down and it impacted all areas of my life. The symptoms were overwhelming and embarrassing. I found myself caught in a cycle of discomfort, uncertainty, and frustration.

Despite the initial shock and despair, I refused to let Crohn’s disease define me. It was my wake-up call, my invitation to explore new approaches to healing.

This is when I started my holistic quest, and discovered the strength of fitness, the healing power of yoga, the nourishment of nutrition, and the wisdom of Ayurveda.

True healing happens when you focus on a holistic approach!

My path to recovery was definitely not always straightforward. I encountered my fair share of setbacks, frustrations, and moments of doubt. But these challenges ignited my passion to help others facing similar health struggles.

Today I am living proof that holistic well-being is possible no matter where you are. It’s not just a concept, it’s a reality. I was able to overcome the challenges from a Crohn’s diagnosis, and have found balance and lasting health. I’ve been in remission for the last 6+ years!

As a certified yoga teacher, personal trainer, and nutrition coach, I’ve devoted my life to guiding women like you towards their own paths of healing, resilience, and vitality. Together, we’ll explore the holistic approaches that have transformed my life, and can do the same for you.

I’m here to tell you that healing is not only possible, but entirely within your reach. Let’s go on this transformative journey together, and unlock the vibrant health you truly deserve!


  • Mexico is my absolute favourite place to travel to! I’ve explored many different areas but my  favourite is Cabo San Lucas.

  • I live out in the  country with my boyfriend Kyle. We met in the middle of the pandemic. We were living in a condo and lived on the same floor.  We realized we had a lot in common and well, the rest is history!

  • I have four dogs and one cat.

  • I love music!!! I play guitar and the ukulele. I am in my element when I am somewhere with live music.

  • I love being active. Strength training, yoga, biking, kayaking, paddleboarding, rock climbing, golf, and hiking are some of my favourite activities to do!

  • I am all about spirituality and energy, I even read Tarot. These modalities have helped me tremendously on my healing journey and continue to serve me daily.

Some fun facts

  • I started my business as a Reiki practitioner. I treated friends and family out of my condo. This is when I truly KNEW I wanted to help others with their health.

  • I hold a diploma in Business Administration and a post-grad certificate in Human Resources. I never got actual jobs in my field. I worked as a bartender for many years before discovering my life purpose and starting my own business. I now use many of the things I learned in school to run my business!

  • I have competed in multiple weightlifting competitions.

  • I am fully  committed to my growth, development, and expansion!!